Set Oversize or Fixed Size for Selected Openings
In this session, you will learn how to set oversizes and fixed sizes for selected openings. When creating or updating openings, you may have set an oversize value. Regardless of the oversize settings you initially choose, the 'Dimension Void' feature allows you to adjust opening sizes for selected openings to meet your specific project requirements, such as the sealing requirements for penetrations to prevent the passage of fire and smoke. We strongly recommend using this feature if your project requires varying oversizes or fixed sizes for different MEP systems.
Video Tutorial
Dimension Void

Oversize and Rounding-Up
To illustrate how to set a specific oversize for a selected group of openings, let's use the example of cable tray openings.
First, open the 'Dimensions Void' feature in the [conclass] Ribbon Tab.
Create a new filter and name it 'Cable Trays'.
Next, go to [Properties] and filter the cable tray openings based on a parameter, such as 'System Abbreviation'. If you don't have a parameter to identify the cable tray openings, please refer to the Parameter Transfer session.
Switch to the [Fields] tab and deselect all fields except for Width, Height, Total Width, and Total Height. The Width and Height dimensions indicate the size of the cable tray, while the Total Width and Total Height parameters indicate the size of the cable tray plus the oversize.
You can now set an oversize for the sides, top, and bottom of the openings.
To avoid odd dimensions, round up the values.
Click on [Apply] to apply the size to all the filtered openings. If you only want to apply the sizing to certain openings in the table, select those openings before clicking [Selection].
Fixed Size
To set a fixed size for a selected group, for example, for pipe openings, you can create a filter with the following steps:
First, open the 'Dimensions Void' feature in the [conclass] Ribbon Tab.
Create a new filter and name it something like 'Pipes <60mm'.
Click on [Properties] and filter the pipe openings based on a relevant parameter. If you don't have a parameter to identify the openings, please refer to the Parameter Transfer session.
Switch to [Fields] and uncheck all active fields except for 'Diameter' and 'Total Diameter'. The Diameter field indicates the size of the pipe, while the Total Diameter field indicates the size of the pipe plus the oversize.
Set a fixed size for the Total Diameter of the openings.
Click on [Apply] to apply the size to all the filtered openings. If you only want to apply the sizing to certain openings in the table, select those openings before clicking [Selection].
With these steps, you can easily specify the desired sizes for a group of openings.